Sunday, November 28, 2010

Figure Sketches (3)

I knw I didnt post my figures for quite some time already.. I was lazy..
anyway, after my Avril n Taylor's figures, I drew another 4 on the following week..I posted 3 only coz another one was retarded.

         It's Will Smith, one of my fav actor. Looked weird huh?       

This is Zachary Quinto..If u dono him then he's the 'Spock' from "Star Trek" and 'Sylar' from "Heroes"

I guess most people know him..Brad Pitt ..

And then on the subsequent week, I've drawn another 2 which weren't that good already..

Erm..Steven Gerard ? lol

This is one random person from magazine..for this week, I was told that my shading was dirty.. -.-

Now, on another week with another 2 and I will post 1 only coz another one, again, was a failure...

Another random person..I took the picture after lecturer had marked it -.- out of proportion ..sad  ):

And again this one was last week's..and again I posted ONE only coz AGAIN the other one was a retard...

For this time, lecturer said my shading shud hav more layers -.- and dont leave too much white..

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Harry Potter's finale, part 1

I never thought of posting a review 'bout Harry Potter coz I thought most people would love it but...
so here I am now..
as far as I know, the previous Potter movie (Half blood prince) wasnt everyone's fav..
personally, I dont really desire having Potter movies filled with er, magic movies, the story itself is there a plot or a meaning behind the movie?.

Deathly Hollow part 1 was enough to have me satisfied. If you had noticed, from the first movie to the movie now, it is getting more emotional and conflicts arise. Harry struggled to find the hocruxes and at the same time, avoiding you-know-who AND at the same time, trying to save his friends from danger. The thing is, the "danger" was his friends risking their lives trying to save Harry Potter. You dont jst watch a movie like u're jst "watching" literally, you got to picture the incidents n things that happened. That way, you will be able to understand better the movie itself.


Saturday, November 20, 2010

Saturday off !

today onwards for my current sem, I will not be going for Saturday class already ..
I am officially having two days break...wooooooooooooooooooooo!